Page name: chaos bahamut [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-18 00:17:45
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Welcome To Chaos Bahamut.

here is the wiki of dnd (duegens and dragons) dnd for short

i will be holding dnd games 10 players a time and itll be very soon plz contact me for more info

i will need two dnd masters to run this so fisrt i will nominate two helpers
then ill send who ever is playing there char
to what ever u pick

one last thing if u want to join ether send me a message or comment on this page thank you

[Zel Holt]

[Draconas Lyrr]
he will be umm i don't know a god yea thats it he is known as the great one >_> <_< he is stronger then my character but who cares lol

dnd web master geno

the campiagn begins tomorrow or maybe right now if u want to play cuz i am ready jus ask when every one is here k ^^ thanks

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2004-11-25 [RIP - Shade (02/21/05)]: Shade is game to give this a shot... though we may want to even the playing field by all starting new characters

2004-11-29 [Chaotix Palidien]: dnd master 1 geno yes ill teach u all how to play ^_^ but ill email u guys charictor sheets to k?

2004-11-29 [Chaotix Palidien]: ty

2004-12-14 [Shadow_Stalker]: ill sign up ^_^

2004-12-22 [Wolf Of Love and lust]: me too!

2005-01-11 [~Angelo~]: Sure I'll help, but only if I DM, I don't like being a player very much.

2005-01-14 [twistedman42]: Iam sad but glad

2005-01-14 [twistedman42]: So whats up

2005-02-01 [Chaotix Palidien]: wow its turned into a chat room =/

2005-02-04 [Chaotix Palidien]: all right i am putting up are players now ^^

2005-02-08 [Chaotix Palidien]: ok later today ill begin the campaign

2005-02-10 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Brian!

2005-02-11 [kingkostas]: i want to join

2005-02-11 [Chaotix Palidien]: ok i have my last member

2005-02-11 [Chaotix Palidien]: alright [Dasner] the character i gave u already is the one u use subzero desint need one cuz he is the deitie and every one else i sent them a email but wolf hasint been on in a while so i might replace her a

2005-02-15 [Zel Holt]: Ok I found it.

2005-02-15 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Umm...need a little help with this

2005-02-15 [Zel Holt]: What?

2005-02-15 [Taebo]: I'm up for a game.

2005-02-15 [Zel Holt]: ?

2005-02-17 [Chaotix Palidien]: hey tyler ok i have my last member ^^ and we can play right when i get my internet back =/

2005-02-17 [Zel Holt]: huh?

2005-02-17 [Zel Holt]: ok?

2005-02-18 [Zel Holt]: ?

2005-02-24 [Taebo]: Wow. I came here expecting to be behind, as I haven't checked ElfTown in days... I guess no one has done anything yet. I've realized I don't have the time for a D&D campgain, my apologies. -Exits, Stage Left-

2005-02-25 [Zel Holt]: O_O?

2005-02-28 [Chaotix Palidien]: u are walking along and u find a strange ripple in a wall u realize it is a gate hidden by magic u open the door to find the town of avalon what are u to do? (u may do as u wish but there are set based rules ^^

2005-02-28 [Chaotix Palidien]: u find that part of it is breakable but it needs something tiny to unjam the bolt or u could climb over

2005-02-28 [Chaotix Palidien]: u see a elegant town with nobles almost every where**

2005-02-28 [Chaotix Palidien]: u then see a huge building with elegant arcutecture

2005-02-28 [Zel Holt]: *Looks outside a wendow*

2005-03-01 [Chaotix Palidien]: geno: so chrono still waiting for ur sister (to colin)

2005-03-01 [Zel Holt]: Chrono: Yeah, wait I think I see something.

2005-03-01 [Chaotix Palidien]: u see that there are two guards standing in ur way (colin see's that she is aproching and geno is not looking but waiting)

2005-03-01 [Chaotix Palidien]: town guard :this is the town of avalon ur are expected**he opens the door leading u to a stair case** follow it up till u get to room 183 ur friends are there

2005-03-01 [Zel Holt]: Chrono: "Well..........theres Dasner." Looks to geno "should we go greet her?

2005-03-01 [Chaotix Palidien]: geno: i am not sure we were told to wait here we could get in trouble

2005-03-01 [Zel Holt]: Chrono: So We may get in truble, but we can always get out of it.

2005-03-02 [Chaotix Palidien]: a knock is on the door asking for them to open for there friend

2005-03-02 [Zel Holt]: Chrno: First who is it? And you must say the password.

2005-03-02 [Chaotix Palidien]: geno: whats the password =/ (the say its your sister dasner )

2005-03-02 [Zel Holt]: (Crusade) *wispers in your ear* "Crusade" *But Dasner does not hear it*

2005-03-02 [Chaotix Palidien]: thanks 

2005-03-02 [Zel Holt]: yw

2005-03-02 [Chaotix Palidien]: **the door opens **

2005-03-02 [Chaotix Palidien]: hello how are u dassy (colin is asleep)

2005-03-02 [Chaotix Palidien]: well it changes wanna explore we can get chrono later if u wish **turns baby dragon**

2005-03-02 [Zel Holt]: Wakes up at the sound of foot steps "Why hello" yawns.

2005-03-03 [Zel Holt]: "What are you two up to and where are you going?"

2005-03-03 [Chaotix Palidien]: i was headed for a walk cuz its night and i can get out for awhile **stops walking** i can only spend 4 hours in sunlight

2005-03-03 [Chaotix Palidien]: il be waiting at the bottom of the building**suddenly teleports to the bottom**

2005-03-04 [Zel Holt]: "Ok, ok, I'm comeing." stands up and walks out the door.

2005-03-14 [Draconas Lyrr]: *Appears and gives all players tea that raises their stats to the max for the next 14 hours* now carry on *Disappears*

2005-03-14 [Chaotix Palidien]: thank you deitie *has a status of 500 for every one for the next 14 hours**

2005-03-14 [Draconas Lyrr]: *reappears* actually, it's only 50 *disappears*

2005-03-14 [Draconas Lyrr]: *an eary voice is heard* 50 is the magic number MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!

2005-03-14 [Chaotix Palidien]: =/ ok

2005-03-14 [Chaotix Palidien]: stephen is   ed at me for some reason and isruining my rp so i deletedd his comments and u guys aer

2005-03-15 [Zel Holt]: huh?

2005-03-15 [Chaotix Palidien]: stephen is angery at me for some reason and thinks i am worthless] anyway u see chaos waiting at the bottom of the steps as he waits he hums a strange hymn as he waits**

2005-03-15 [Zel Holt]: (ok?) *walks down to where bahamut is* where are we going?

2005-03-15 [Chaotix Palidien]: waiting for your sister to follow or should we leave her here for the time being

2005-03-15 [Zel Holt]: I'm not sure, what do you think?

2005-03-15 [Chaotix Palidien]: its your call

2005-03-15 [Draconas Lyrr]: **makes a river of tea flow down the stairs making a waterfall of unsweetened sun tea sweep over the characters** mmmmm tea.........

2005-03-15 [Chaotix Palidien]: **they get swept down town to a local shop**

2005-03-15 [weapon master]: the tea god keith flooded us to this place

2005-03-15 [Chaotix Palidien]: um sorry wrong name i was on lol friendzs name ignore that comment god i am stupid =/

2005-03-16 [Zel Holt]: (?) "I don't know, how'd we get here?" *is sowcking wet and has no clue why*

2005-03-19 [Draconas Lyrr]: *an eary echo is heard* "Tea is good, tea is great, it will lead you to you're fate!"

2005-03-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: =/

2005-03-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: i am not sure

2005-03-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: **walks in as well and watchs her **

2005-03-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: ** picks up a potion and laughs as he see's that theyu bought it from his lab**

2005-03-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: enfreetie potion 1000 platinum

2005-03-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: yea

2005-03-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: **finds a huge vial** O.o'?

2005-03-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: =/ if u want go ahead and by it

2005-03-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: (u find 1500 gold on u just enough to bye it)

2005-03-20 [Zel Holt]: (lol nice rime) walks in "This must be a Pawn Shop" Looks around and sees a sword with a lion on the end of the handle, a blade that is curved (like this kind of \<-, with this < more upward. I'll have a drawing of it maybe soon) and the blade is glowing briter the more I get closer. then wonders if he can by it. Reeds the note and it says "The magical sword of Marenel: Seems to be non magical"

2005-03-20 [Draconas Lyrr]: As far as I know, which is quite alot, players can't just make weapons, the DM has to

2005-03-20 [Zel Holt]: (Well I was going to put it on my house to show you, plus I had a dream of it and I have kept with it ever since)

2005-03-20 [Draconas Lyrr]: *pokes himself in the eye* ow.....

2005-03-20 [Chaotix Palidien]: **laughs at the god and offers him scottish tea as he secretly puts a dagger of advanced throwing in his pocket**

2005-03-21 [Draconas Lyrr]: thank you, I prefer Chinese tea **pours himself some and sips it with nobility

2005-03-21 [Zel Holt]: Goes to the clerk of the store and asks to buy that sword. "How much is it, sir?"

2005-03-21 [Draconas Lyrr]: O_o

2005-03-21 [Zel Holt]: (what?)

2005-03-21 [Draconas Lyrr]: (I don't know, just making faces, I'm a god, I'm aloud to do things like that

2005-03-21 [Draconas Lyrr]: Hey, the one over there *Points to the book* is interesting.

2005-03-21 [Draconas Lyrr]: ZOEBU!!!

2005-03-21 [Draconas Lyrr]: lmao

2005-03-21 [Draconas Lyrr]: I don't know........

2005-03-21 [Draconas Lyrr]: BUG LOOKIN' ALIEN!!!!

2005-03-22 [Draconas Lyrr]: DUCK AND COVER!!

2005-03-22 [Draconas Lyrr]: You know.....I just thought of something.......I'm a god......I don't need to worry about no stinkin' alien....

2005-03-22 [Draconas Lyrr]: *pokes the alien in the eye* HAHAHA!

2005-03-22 [Zel Holt]: (lol) Is waiting for a reasonable price

2005-03-22 [Chaotix Palidien]: **smacks the alien kills it and offers the sword of seals for 1500

2005-03-23 [Draconas Lyrr]: Oh! Oh! I want a sword! 0_o

2005-03-23 [Chaotix Palidien]: o fine greedy tea god** sells him the OBLITERATOR strongest god sword in da game well in my campaign

2005-03-24 [Zel Holt]: (Bahamut? are you talking about the sword I made up? And if it is how much gold do I have? And the sword that I dremt of is extreemly powerfull deilling with serten types of viel powerfull devils and other creatures?)

2005-03-24 [Chaotix Palidien]: no its not your sword and i can't sell a weapon that is that powerfull and keith can cuz he is a god but i am the dm**keith falls over dead of cancer** see if i wold that sword u would beat every thing i would throw at you the game would have no challenge if u get what i mean

2005-03-25 [Zel Holt]: (I do get it but I was thinking that it kinda conks out alot and doesn't work a hole lot, but it is your campain.) -_-

2005-03-25 [Chaotix Palidien]: i know your sword is 1000 platinum ^^

2005-03-25 [Draconas Lyrr]: You can't kill me with cancer i'm a god, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *dies of a cold, and than is reborn again* I hate it when that happens......

2005-03-25 [Zel Holt]: O.o? (huh you just told me I couldn't have it? lol.)

2005-03-25 [Zel Holt]: "Not any more for me." Walks out sadly

2005-03-25 [Chaotix Palidien]: um **a pick barbie floats down and proclaims squall the god of pink** i say sense me DM you god of all [Pink]

2005-03-26 [Zel Holt]: (lol)

2005-03-26 [Draconas Lyrr]: *turns all pink things blue* HA, now i'm the god of blue

2005-03-26 [Zel Holt]: Well I've had blue pants.

2005-05-11 [Zel Holt]: *wonders why no one is talking*

2005-05-12 [Draconas Lyrr]: ...I don't want your pants... *turns your pants pink*

2005-05-12 [Chaotix Palidien]: **dies of by sneezing and reforms later ** owww

2005-05-12 [Zel Holt]: *wonders what Elminster means by that*

2005-05-13 [Chaotix Palidien]: XD

2005-05-13 [Chaotix Palidien]: i copyed keith by his dying thing lol i got bored anyway i am going to start this again later today ^^ if i can

2005-05-13 [Chaotix Palidien]: watchs a elderly man walk down the road and then he sudenly dissapears **

2005-05-13 [Chaotix Palidien]: **the elderly man continuesd walking although he senses some ones presence and looks around then starts walking away rather quickly

2005-05-14 [Draconas Lyrr]: *pokes the man on the shoulder, than disappears*

2005-05-16 [Chaotix Palidien]: **the old man makes elm reapear and thwaps him on the head touch me again and ill make u a maggot on the soul dusted ground u filthy wretched toad

2005-05-18 [Chaotix Palidien]: k ;.;

2005-05-18 [Draconas Lyrr]: ...grrr....evil old man.....

2005-05-18 [Chaotix Palidien]: **old man continues walking away holding his hurting back

2005-05-19 [Draconas Lyrr]: *whispers under his breath, "that's it, keep walking old man" *

2005-05-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: **the old man reappears behind elm after he teleports behind him and then smacks his cane over elms head turning him into a filthy green salamander and then he picks him up and puts him in a capture jar ( a jar that can hold anything and cannot be broken unless it is smashed on the ground keith ur stuck in it know sorry u tempted the old fart) then the old man whacks geno for pisonicaly helping the character** owwwww:geno

2005-05-21 [Draconas Lyrr]: Cool....I'm a salamander...YAYY!!

2005-05-23 [Chaotix Palidien]: omg thats   in funny ) XD

2005-05-24 [Draconas Lyrr]: .......I'm still a slamander!! WOOHOO!!!

2005-05-24 [Chaotix Palidien]: **turns him into a watchamagoozymon hahaha

2005-05-24 [Draconas Lyrr]: Is that a Digi'mon? If so, AWESOME!!!

2005-05-24 [Chaotix Palidien]: no thats ur mon mon

2005-05-24 [Draconas Lyrr]: What? Are you an alien?

2006-01-18 [Chaotix Palidien]: aye

2006-01-23 [Draconas Lyrr]: aye-aye capytone!

2006-10-19 [Chaotix Palidien]: wtf we are weird =/

2006-10-20 [Draconas Lyrr]: Ack!

2006-10-23 [Chaotix Palidien]: you have this page watched don't you ?

2006-10-29 [Draconas Lyrr]: Maybeh...

2006-10-30 [Chaotix Palidien]: yea you do =/

2006-11-11 [Draconas Lyrr]: Nope >.< I just manage to randomly come here every time I need to comment... >_> <_<

2006-11-13 [Chaotix Palidien]: ^^ anyway whats going on lately its been awhile

2006-11-18 [Draconas Lyrr]: Umm...let's see...nothing...nothing...and more about you?

2006-11-20 [Chaotix Palidien]: bored wondering why i aint a friend no more =/ that came out wrong but you understand it =/

2006-11-25 [Draconas Lyrr]: Nope..I'm a dummy head.. >_> <_<

2006-11-27 [Chaotix Palidien]: =/ ....ok but seriously

2006-12-03 [Draconas Lyrr]: I never said you weren't a friend anymore. I've just got a lack of time.

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